Instant Minnesota Warrant Search for Anyone
Minnesota State & County Active Warrants

State of Minnesota Arrest Warrants

It is relatively easy to run a State of Minnesota arrest warrant search. You can do so by contacting the Minnesota County courthouse clerk to inquire. Or you may simply refer to an online public record website to search for any active Minnesota arrest warrants. The county sheriff's websiteoffers an Online Warrant Search page including a list of outstanding Minnesota arrest warrants. An online Minnesota arrest warrant search is done anonymously to your personal discretion. You would only require details such as the person's first and last name, and their age or date of birth. Minnesota arrest warrants are a public record that is available for anyone to view. All persons are allowed to conduct an arrest warrant search in the state of Minnesota.

If you find that you have been issued a warrant from your Minnesota arrest warrant search, you are urged by counties to resolve it as soon as possible by turning yourself in. By adhering to the details of your warrant in the given timeframe, you become eligible to post bond your detention. This is applicable until the day of the court hearing. In layman terms, until the court demands your detention, you are a free person. So if you have an active Minnesota warrant and turn yourself in, you can still most likely walk free until you are charged guilty by the court.

Ramsey County, Minnesota Warrant Search

The Online Warrant Search (OWS) is a web portal specifically maintained to provide citizens, community members, crime victims and partner organizations to run a Ramsey County, Minnesota warrant search. The OWS publishes public information of individuals who have an active Ramsey County arrest warrant issued by the Ramsey County District Court (Second Judicial District) within the last ten years.

By making use of the OWS for Ramsey County warrant searches, the public can stay more informed, hold offenders accountable and serve justice. Ramsey County warrants are only issued by the district court; the Sheriff's Office does not issue warrants. The Sheriff's Office processes arrest warrants as directed by Minnesota state statute and updates the OWS as a public service. If you have information about someone with an active RamseyCounty, Minnesota warrant, you should report to the Warrants Unit at 651-266-9320.

Dakota County Minnesota Warrants

The Dakota County of Minnesota offers a Warrant Search portal that is easily accessible to the public online. You would only fill in the full name and date of birth of the person in question to find out if they hold an active Dakota County warrant. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety also displays criminal history records for Dakota County. You are allowed to request copies of other people's criminal records. You can access Dakota County warrant information through the Minnesota Public Criminal History Record Search portal on the BCA website.

To find out why you are issued a Dakota County, Minnesota warrant, you can call the District Court at 651-438-8141 to learn more about your warrant. The reason for most active Dakota County warrants are because of failure to respond or appear for a court date.

Washington County, Minnesota Warrant Search

Administering a Washington County, Minnesota warrant search is pretty simple. You can check the Warrant Search page for current, active Washington County warrants. Or you can call the Sheriff's Office Warrants Division at 651-430-7998. Do note that new warrants that just got issued by the courts would take several days to process into the Washington County warrants search system.

During your Washington County warrant search, you can also refer to the Washington County Sheriff website that offers a frequently updated list of active Washington county warrants. If you have information or know the whereabouts of any of the individuals found on the Washington County warrant search list, you are advised to tip the Sheriff's Office at (402) 426-6890.

Washington County arrest warrants are issued by the District Court and referred to the Washington County Sheriff's Office to be enforced. Arrest and Detention orders issued by a Probation Officer can also be found in the Washington County Sheriff's Office warrant search system.

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